The Smeralda 888 Invitational returns to Porto Cervo

Eight teams participate in the final event of an intense month of regattas at the YCCS

Porto Cervo, June 28, 2024. June, an intense month of regattas at the YCCS, is now drawing to a close with the Smeralda 888 Invitational. The event, part of the 888 Class circuit, will be held from today, Friday June 28 until Sunday, June 30th.  

The Briefing at 11:30 this morning officially opened the event, followed by the traditional Welcome Brunch at the YCCS.  

Starting this afternoon, the Smeralda 888 fleet will compete in windward-leeward races in the waters off Porto Cervo. Eight teams are registered including some Porto Cervo regulars such as Bedà (owner/skipper Timifey Sukhotin), Gorilla Gang (owner/skipper Andrea Statori), Millenium Falcon (owner/skipper Marco Favale with helmsman Paolo Bonetto), Vamos Mi Amor (owner/skipper Charles De Bourbon) and Canard a l'Orange (owner/skipper Achille Onorato). New participants in this event include Capocaccia (owner/skipper Luigi Guarnaccia), Kzi Mo D'Eau (owner Matteo Noferi, skipper Jelena), and Luigia (owner/skipper Marie Helene Polo).  

Tomorrow, June 29, racing will be followed by a gala dinner for the crews at the YCCS clubhouse. Competition conclude on Sunday, June 30, the final day of the event.

For further information please contact the YCCS Press Office.